Our company has been providing efficient and reliable local payments solutions since 2020. If your business needs easy-to-use local payment solutions, we will be glad to help!
By providing the best industry-leading services, we aim to be the preferred account provider for high-risk merchants worldwide. We help you manage your collections and payments faster, more securely, and at a lower cost. Moreover, MeGaMove Pays’ expertise, along with our long-standing relationships with banks and other financial institutions, ensures your business receives the most reliable services in the industry. Our high-risk merchant account solutions offer a range of valuable features, including risk management, high-concurrency transaction processing, and 24/7 customer support.
Payment processing institutions assume some risk with each transaction.
The payment processor automatically assumes liability when a merchant does not have the funds to reimburse a customer for a disputed or fraudulent charge.
So, in order to reduce this liability, payment processors (and by extension, merchant account providers)
are selective about the kinds of businesses they work with. They won't offer merchant services to businesses in certain verticals if they deem them too
risky or inherently susceptible to chargebacks and fraud.
Consequently, these high-risk businesses are referred to as "high-risk merchants".
A high-risk merchant can be any company that sells products within a niche market, be it online or in physical stores.
Online gambling, MLM, dating websites, dropshipping, and other unique verticals fall into this category.
High-risk merchant accounts are therefore essential for businesses of this nature. Certain merchant account providers, such as MeGaMove Pays,
specialize in working with high-risk businesses and offer merchant accounts specifically tailored for this purpose. Through these merchant accounts,
high-risk businesses can continue to handle non-cash payments from customers, including bank transfers, online payments, and online collections.
The approval process at High Risk Pay typically takes 24 to 48 hours, which is faster than most other high-risk merchant account approvals. Our number one priority is to get your merchant account up and running as quickly as possible. A 99% approval rate means that your unique business is almost guaranteed approval and that you can begin accepting payments quickly and easily.
Get StartedA high-risk merchant account can come with higher taxes and restrictions. Fees vary by provider and are heavily dependent on your company’s specific needs. But at MeGaMove Pays, we don’t believe in penalizing customers for being in a business that carries a higher risk of fraud or chargebacks.Thanks to our strong reputation and large transaction volume, the rates we charge remain stable and consistently lower than market prices.Moreover, while other high-risk merchant account providers may charge application or setup fees that can reach hundreds or even thousands of dollars, MeGaMove Pays guarantees not to charge any fees.
Get Contact
SPECIALIZED IN HIGH RISKWe offer high risk merchant accounts to all business types in high risk categories.
99% approvalMeGaMove Pays approves 99% of all applicants!
Low feesHighly competitive rates that will make you choose us.